Best Somatic Exercise for Weight Loss

Weight loss is not just about cutting down on food, but you have to work hard and exercise. So here we have brought you some exercises which will help you to reduce your weight but if you have any medical issues then please consult your doctor first which of these exercises is the best for you.


If you walk for half an hour at a normal speed in your daily routine, you can burn about 150 calories and as you increase your speed and walk for a longer time, the more calories you will burn. In the beginning you have to build your consistency a little bit and walk a little but you have to do it regularly which will build your stamina and slowly increase your distance and time. Nowadays, people who wake up every morning and take some time for themselves and walk for half an hour or an hour are healthier than normal people in a normal routine.

Jumping Rope

If you are looking for a cheap and good workout in which you burn more calories then that is rope jumping. And we can take it anywhere, it’s very cheap and good. If a person walks for an hour and jumps for an hour, we will burn more calories by jumping. And with rope jumping, we target all the muscles in our body, from the upper body to the lower body.


Cycling is another way to lose weight, it also helps us a lot. It is a very effective way. We can burn 400 to 750 calories by cycling, depending on what kind of cycling we are doing. Cycling keeps a person very fit, nowadays people are very lazy, they travel in cars due to which they suffer from many diseases and become lazy, so we should make our daily routine. Add cycling and do small chores on the bike to keep fit.


If you don’t like going to the gym and you get tired very quickly and your feet and heels hurt, then swimming is the best workout to keep fit and lose weight. Swimming also won’t hurt your joints and moves both your lower body and upper body while swimming, which targets the muscles of the entire body. If you swim four times a week for half an hour, it is very good for your health, it keeps many diseases at bay like it keeps your high blood pressure under control, lowers bad cholesterol. It also protects against some types of cancer and reduces your risk of heart disease.

Strength Training

Such exercises use resistance and build up strength and muscle. These exercises not only help you lose weight but also reduce your fat and build your muscles. You should do strength training three to five times a week and take two days of rest in between so that your body will lose weight very quickly and put on muscle and you will get in better shape.


Jogging is also a very good exercise for weight loss and fitness as it is an aerobic exercise that uses oxygen. It can help you a lot for weight loss. Jogging increases metabolic rate up to 24 hours. And that’s why you’re going through your fat loss phase, after you’re done jogging. By jogging daily, you can speed up your metabolism a lot.

yoga video:


Yoga is a combination of physical activity and meditation. This is an activity that you can use to get rid of the tiredness of your whole day and feel fresh. But these are not the only benefits of it and there are many more. Many studies have shown that overweight people lose weight if they do yoga for 30 minutes or more once a week. People who practice yoga are very mindful eaters, they know when they are hungry and when they are full.

Yoga for anxiety and stress

Stair Climbing

Stair climbing is also a very moderate way to lose weight and it doesn’t cost any money, you just have to take some time for yourself. Stair climbing can lose up to six pounds a year in just two flights a day of stair climbing. Stair climbing can also lower your cholesterol and is good for your muscles. And it also keeps the bones strong

Also read: The Best Diet Plans for Your Overall Health


If you guys are looking for an adventurous way to lose weight, Hiking is the Best way to go. Hiking involves walking in nature and encountering and overcoming obstacles Like roots, trees, stones, etc. Hiking can lead to weight loss If done regularly.

Why Should We Do Exercise?

Why should we exercise? So Here is it Why. Exercise should be done to keep oneself fit and to keep oneself away from many diseases. Cancer and many cancers can also be prevented and because of this we can also increase our life span. Exercising makes a person very happy and his mood is always good. A person who exercises and eats good food is much better than others, keeps his mind happy and his body in good shape.

Unhealthy Lifestyle disadvantages

People who don’t exercise and eat whatever they can have, their lives become very strange, they are never happy, they often have bad moods and they become very overweight, due to which they get many diseases and they keep thinking about these diseases and blood pressure remains high, cholesterol also remains high and those people suffer from many diseases, most of them become heart patients and They are at risk of heart attack. If a person is sick, it is not only bad for him, his whole family gets involved in it, due to which they also get hypertension, so we should take care of ourselves as much as we can.

Advantages Of Exercise

Exercising keeps us fit, improves our mood, keeps us in good shape and builds great stamina. In today’s era, people mostly pay attention to earning money but they don’t pay attention to their health, if it is not life, then what is the use of money. Take an hour and a half and exercise.

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