Best Weight Gain Tips

Today we will talk about weight gain. Where most people in the world are concerned with losing weight, we should not forget that gaining weight is also a very serious issue for some people.

If you are underweight that definitely means that you are lacking some major nutrients in your body and these nutrients need to get balanced.
Being underweight means your weight is not enough according to your body’s height which is also termed as Body mass index (BMI) lower than 18.5.

Sometimes being underweight is due to some illness that you might be suffering from. In such cases the person’s weight would gradually become normal after his health issues are resolved. But if you are underweight and do not suffer from any serious health issue then you should definitely go see a nutritionist who can help you maintain your healthy weight because if you are not suffering from any illness at the time but you are underweight then you are at higher risk of being attacked by any serious illness in the future.

Some safe options that you can include in your daily plan to gain weight are

Caloric Surplus

There are a limited amount of calories that your body burns per day. First you need to examine how many calories you are taking daily at the moment. The calories that you are taking daily are the ones that your body is capable of burning completely. So the point is to increase your daily calorie intake. Try to eat more than your daily caloric needs so that some calories are saved to help you gain weight.

Frequent Eating

Try to eat more frequently throughout the day so that you can have enough calories. The point is to fuel your body again and again.
Between the 3 regular meals of the day plan eating snacks. Eat in smaller portions but make sure to eat after every 3 to 4 hours so that your body never gets drained out. For snacks go for healthy food options like fruits or yogurt or even eggs.

Nutrient Dense Foods

Opt for foods that are rich in nutrients. Lean proteins such as fish and chicken are best source of proteins. Replace red meat with lean meat.
Add legumes and nuts to your diet. Have lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Replace normal bread with whole wheat bread and switch from normal rice to brown rice.

Stay Hydrated

You should keep in mind that as you eat more your body might feel dehydrated because increased food intake can cause increase in water loss.
Water is essential for your body to perform normal functioning and to maintain muscle strength.
If you keep your body dehydrated you might never be able to gain weight so with your eating schedule keep in mind to drink lots of water.

Healthy Snacking

You can not eat whatever you get in the name of snacking. Keep in mind that you need to gain weight healthily and not to become an obese .
Most people eat food that is extremely oily or sugary in the name of snacking which is absolutely not good for their health.
Having nuts or dried fruits are the best snacking options as they are filled with nutrients and are also capable of making you feel fuller. So try having unsalted nuts instead of a bag of chips.
Try to avoid sugary drinks at all costs, replace sugary drinks with fresh fruits like oranges apples or strawberries.
Fruits are the best source to satisfy your sweet tooth.

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Strength Training

It is a misconception in people that exercise and physical activities can only lead to loss of weight but they can actually also help you build muscle mass and strengthen your body.
You just need to know what physical activities are better for your weight gain.
Add strength training to your daily routine and follow the routine religiously to reach your ideal weight.
You can try weightlifting, crunches, pull ups or even pushups.

Monitor Your Progress

Keep a track of you weight as you go through the process of weight gaining. Mention your daily weight on a diary and keep adjusting your diet as exercise according to your needs.
For instance if you are not seeing any significant difference in your weight try adding food items in your pre planned diet or try adding more time to your workout routine.
In the beginning you might feel that everything is going in vain and your food plans and exercise is not actually working for you.
You might feel depressed and you might feel that you are good for nothing.
But always keep in mind that patience is the key. You can never achieve anything overnight and it might take time.
You should just keep trying and never lose hope.
If you think you’ve tried for enough time and still don’t feel yourselves getting any closer to your goal try consulting a dietitian for specialised guidance according to your body’s needs and type.

Health risks with being underweight
Being underweight may prove to be more dangerous than obesity because individuals who are underweight might be at more risk of death as compared to those who are suffering from obesity.
Being underweight directly effects your immune system which means your body gets more open to different types of diseases that might attack you anytime. 864

  • You might be underweight because of your genetics and it is not as such a problem. But you still need to try and get basic nutrients to complete your body’s energy needs.
  • You can also become underweight due to some health disorder or illness. Some infections like HIV or other diseases like cancers or thyroid and even Diabetes can cause weight loss in individuals. In such scenarios the patient should first deal with their health condition and then focus on maintaining healthy weight.
  • Eating disorders can also cause weight loss in some people. Such eating disorders are mainly due to their serious mental condition. They should try visit a psychiatrist and try eating healthy.

It might seem difficult to gain weight for those of you who are underweight but keep in mind that continuous effort and determination will never let you down.

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